We offer several features and tools, so you can earn Cash Back in the ways that work best for you.
The Rakuten Mobile App
Our 4-star Rakuten App ensures you’re always connected to savings.
To get started, visit your app store to find the Rakuten App and download it onto your mobile device. Once you’ve downloaded the app, you can activate a Rakuten Shopping Trip by clicking a Rakuten link.
When you’ve started a Shopping Trip, a window will open within the Rakuten App that lets you know that Cash Back has been activated. That window will then direct you to the store’s site to start shopping. If for any reason that store does not offer Cash Back through the mobile app, you will be notified in the activation window.
Learn More About Rakuten Mobile AppsÂ
The Rakuten Cash Back Button
Our Cash Back Button is an automated tool that proactively finds discounts and lets you earn Cash Back — without visiting Rakuten first.
To get started, first visit your browser store, search for the Rakuten Cash Back Button and download it. Once you’ve downloaded the Cash Back Button, you’ll see it in your browser bar.
Then, when you visit a store’s website, you’ll get a drop-down notification of the Cash Back and coupons offered at that store. Simply click on that drop down to start earning Cash Back, without interrupting your shopping.
You can also activate Cash Back through the Cash Back Button icon that appears on your browser bar by clicking on store cards, coupons and more. In both cases, you will be notified that Cash Back has been activated.
If for any reason, the store does not offer Cash Back through the Cash Back Button, the notification will not appear.
Learn More About the Cash Back Button
In-Store Cash Back
Now you can enjoy Cash Back, even when you shop in a brick and mortar store.
To get started, link your credit or debit card to your Rakuten account. Then, when you find an In-Store Cash Back offer that interests you, simply activate it and shop in the store with that card.
Learn More About In-Store Cash Back
Note: There are Exclusions & Limitations to earning Cash Back with In-Store Cash Back.
You can always activate a Rakuten Shopping Trip by following links from our emails. If the link sends you shopping, a window will open that lets you know that Cash Back has been activated.
Shopping through our website is easy.Â
Members activate a Rakuten Shopping Trip by clicking a Rakuten link, found in buttons, coupons, store links, banners and more. When you click, a new window will open. This window will let you know that a Shopping Trip has been activated and will send you along to the store’s site to start shopping.